
Setting up IntelliJ to Test Groovy Code in Boomi

Boomi is a low code environment for integrations, which means that most situations will not require coding but occasionally it will be necessary. Discover how to to setup a Groovy testing environment within Windows and code that you want to implement within Boomi.


Using RegEx Groups in Search/Replace to Extract Data from a Document

Boomi uses Regular Expressions (RegEx) in the Search/Replace step within the Data Process Shape, and can be used to extract data from a document using RegEx groups.


Install Windows 32-bit Atom Desktop

The QuickBooks connector requires that the Boomi Atom be installed as a 32-bit application in Desktop mode. This article will cover the steps involved.


Consume Process Logs with Fluentd

Process logs within Boomi are the basic logs used to review processes and what occurred during the process execution. Explore how to consume process logs with Fluentd.


Runtime Migration Strategies Reference

Boomi has two primary ways to migrate your runtime and integrations to a new server: 1) Migration of the data to new hardware, and 2) Migration through the Boomi API. This article will cover the strategies and use cases for both methods and provide references to the Boomi Community articles and documentation.


Snowflake: Bulk Load with Local Files

The Snowflake connector supports two ways to bulk load data into Snowflake: using AWS S3 or a local file. The article will focus on how to use local files to bulk load data into Snowflake.


Working with Nulls in JSON

Boomi profiles generally treat nulls and empty strings as the same. This article outlines how to handle various JSON null conditions in Boomi when mapping JSON to JSON within a map shape.


Search By Component Id Within Boomi

Users can search within the Build Tab's search bar by the Component ID. Prepend id: to the Component ID in the search bar to identify the process associated with the specific Component ID.


Error: [413] max size exceeded

[413] max size exceeded is an error that can occur within a Boomi Connector that is built on the Boomi Connector SDK. Learn how to update the default value.


Configure and Update a Local JRE

It is important to use a local copy of a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) for optimal performance. By default, Boomi will install a copy of JRE 8 or JDK 11 to the atom install directory. For a Molecule and Atom Cloud, the install directory is located on a file share. Performance improvements can be made by moving a copy of the JRE/JDK from the file share to the local disk of each node.