LDAP Error Code 12 - Unavailable Critical Extension
LDAP Error Code 12 - Unavailable Critical Extension means:
LDAP_UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION: Indicates that the LDAP server was unable to satisfy a request because one or more critical extensions were not available. Either the server does not support the control or the control is not appropriate for the operation type.
An example of the error message that you will receive within Boomi will be:
Error Message: Embedded message: [12] javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 12 - Unavailable Critical Extension]; remaining name ‘ou=Users,DC=boomi,DC=com’
The last portion of the LDAP URL includes extensions. Although the error can occur with the extensions or within the dn (search context).
ldapurl = scheme "://" [hostport] ["/" [dn ["?" [attributes] ["?" [scope] ["?" [filter] ["?" extensions]]]]]]
If you are preforming a query, then this error can me either the search context is incorrect or your directory does not support pagination. The first error can be easily remedies by using the correct search context and the directory’s admin would likely be able to help. The latter is not support.Below is a generic example of a query correctly set.
The other option for this error is because the directory does not support pagination, or paged results. Boomi will by default send a request that includes pagination build into Boomi’s code. If the directory has the option to turn on pagination then, do that, but if not, then there is no solution to the issue. Some older directories do not support pagination and are there incompatible with performing a query, but will still be able to perform other actions.
Article originally posted at Boomi Community.