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Boomi Flow - Flow Service Resource Path

Boomi Flow can connect to a Boomi Integration Runtime through a Flow Services Server. The Flow Services Server exposes a REST API endpoint on the Boomi Integration Runtime.

The resource paths below can be helpful to know if proxying data through an API gateway to an on-prem Boomi Integration runtime. Boomi Flow only supports Basic Authentication and Client Certification even when using a 3rd-party API Gateway or proxy.

Exposed Flow Endpoint Details
/fs/<flow-service-name>/metadata Initial connection from Boomi Flow
/fs/<flow-service-name>/metadata/install Connection used to define Flow Actions. This endpoint will list the resource path of all Flow Actions.
/fs/<flow-service-name>/actions/<action-name> Endpoint used for specific Boomi Integration or Flow Action
/fs/<flow-service-name>/files/content Endpoint used for managing files
/fs/<flow-service-name>/listener Endpoint used for Data Actions


Published Mar 18, 2023

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