AWS Assume Role Implementation within Boomi - S3 Copy Object Script
AWS allows a user or resource to assume a role to gain access to specific resources. To authenticate to S3 and copy a file from one bucket to another, a script must be used to create an authentication header. How to implement AWS Assume Roles within an integration is reviewed in AWS Assume Role Implementation within Boomi and AWS Assume Role Instance Profile Implementation within Boomi. This article expands upon how to implement it for S3 CopyObject.
Knowledge Articles Associated with This Article
- Boomi Knowledge Article: AWS Assume Role Implementation within Boomi
- Boomi Knowledge Article: AWS Assume Role Instance Profile Implementation within Boomi
AWS S3 CopyObject
Process Overview
Figure 1. AWS Assume Role S3 CopyObject Overview.
After the AWS Assume Role’s temporary credentials have been obtained, a Set Property shape will set required Dynamic Document Properties, a Groovy will execute, and an HTTP Connection will execute the AWS S3 CopyObject action.
Set Property Configuration
Figure 2. AWS S3 Copy Set Properties.
Table 1. AWS S3 Copy Set Properties Configuration.
Dynamic Document Property | Value |
DDP_AWS_BUCKET | <target-bucket> |
DDP_FILE_NAME | <target-file-name-key> |
DDP_CONTENT_TYPE | i.e. text/csv |
x-amz-security-token | DPP_AWS_SESSION_TOKEN |
x-amz-copy-source | <source-bucket>/<source-file-name-key> |
All properties being set are Dynamic Document Properties and will be used within the script and HTTP Connection. DDP_CONTENT_TYPE will be set to the type of content being moved. x-amz-security-token will be set using a Dynamic Process Property that was set when the AWS Assume Role temporary creates were obtained. x-amz-copy-source will look similar to bucket-name/file-name.
Data Process: Groovy Script
Next, the script below will be added to a Data Process shape.
// Groovy 2.4
Required inputs:
DPP: DPP_AWS_SESSION_TOKEN // Only required if assuming role
DDP: DDP_CONTENT_TYPE //Only required for PUT requests
DDP: x-amz-copy-source // Source that is being copied. Format /bucket/key
DDP: Authorization
DDP: Date
import com.boomi.execution.ExecutionUtil
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.text.DateFormat
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
logger = ExecutionUtil.getBaseLogger()
// Set global variables
String accessKey = ExecutionUtil.getDynamicProcessProperty("DPP_AWS_ACCESS_KEY");
String secretKey = ExecutionUtil.getDynamicProcessProperty("DPP_AWS_SECRET_KEY");
String securityToken = ExecutionUtil.getDynamicProcessProperty("DPP_AWS_SESSION_TOKEN");
for (int i = 0; i < dataContext.getDataCount(); i++) {
InputStream is = dataContext.getStream(i);
Properties props = dataContext.getProperties(i);
String bucketName = props.getProperty("document.dynamic.userdefined.DDP_AWS_BUCKET");
String keyName = props.getProperty("document.dynamic.userdefined.DDP_FILE_NAME");
String method = props.getProperty("document.dynamic.userdefined.DDP_HTTP_METHOD");
String xAmzCopySource = props.getProperty("document.dynamic.userdefined.x-amz-copy-source")
String contentType = props.getProperty("document.dynamic.userdefined.DDP_CONTENT_TYPE");
contentType = contentType ?: "";
// Get Current Date
DateFormat longDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")
Date date = new Date()
String longDate = longDateFormat.format(date);
// Set String to sign
String stringToSign = method + "\n" +
"\n" +
contentType + "\n" + // contentType will be blank unless it's a PUT request
longDate + "\n" +
"x-amz-copy-source:" + xAmzCopySource + "\n" +
"x-amz-security-token:" + securityToken + "\n" +
"/" + bucketName + "/" + keyName;
String signature = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(getHMAC1(secretKey.getBytes(), stringToSign));
String authorization = "AWS " + accessKey + ":" + signature;
// Create Authorized URL
props.setProperty("document.dynamic.userdefined.Authorization", authorization);
props.setProperty("document.dynamic.userdefined.Date", longDate);
dataContext.storeStream(is, props);
static byte[] getHMAC1(byte[] key, String input) {
byte[] hash;
Mac sha1HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
SecretKeySpec secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(key, "HmacSHA1");
hash = sha1HMAC.doFinal(input.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return hash;
HTTP Connection Configuration
Figure 3. AWS S3 HTTP Connection Configuration.
The HTTP connection will be configured to send data to S3. The HTTP connection will be different than the one used to Assume Roles.
Table 2. S3 HTTP Connection Configuration.
Name | Value |
URL | |
Authentication Type | None (Being set using the Groovy Authentication header script) |
Figure 4. AWS Assume Role S3 HTTP Connector Creation.
The Boomi HTTP Action will be a GET because the AWS S3 CopyObject action is assuming no payload. When creating a new HTTP Operation, ensure that GET is selected.
Figure 5. AWS S3 HTTP Operation Configuration.
Table 3. AWS S3 HTTP Operation Configuration.
Name | Value |
Content Type | <content-type> (can be set dynamically) |
HTTP Method | PUT |
Request Headers: x-amz-security-token | Check Is replacement variable? |
Request Headers: Authorization | Check Is replacement variable? |
Request Headers: Date | Check Is replacement variable? |
Request Headers: x-amz-copy-source | Check Is replacement variable? |
Resource Path: DDP_AWS_BUCKET | Check Is replacement variable? |
Resource Path: / | / |
Resource Path: DDP_FILE_NAME | Check Is replacement variable? |
- Boomi Knowledge Article: AWS Assume Role Implementation within Boomi
- Boomi Knowledge Article: AWS Assume Role Instance Profile Implementation within Boomi
- AWS Retrieve security credentials from instance metadata
- AWS S3 AssumeRoles Parameters and Examples
- AWS S3 Authenticating Request AWS Signature Version 4
- AWS S3 REST API Documentation
- AWS S3 REST API CopyObject
The article was originally posted at Boomi Community.