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Error: [413] max size exceeded

test run error message

Figure 1. [413] max size exceeded Error Message

“[413] max size exceeded” is an error that can occur within a Boomi Connector that is built on the Boomi Connector SDK. SizeLimitedUpdateOperation is a class within the Connector SDK that is used to set the maximum size of a document. In these cases, the document is being read and handled, and the limit prevents large file sizes from going into memory. The default value is set to 1 MB (1,048,576 bytes). This value is not related to the 10MB limit within Test Mode. To increase the default value used within SizeLimitedUpdateOperation, update Maximum Size for Update Operation within Advanced Properties and set it to a higher number of bytes or to -1 to process all documents.

atom properties max size update

Figure 2. Advanced Properties - Max Size for Update Operation.

Maximum Size for Update Operation = -1

Additionally, to help identify if this is the actual cause of the issue look within the stack trace. The stack trace can be found either within process reporting logs or by clicking the magnifier beside the error within Test Mode. The truncated stack trace below shows the com.boomi.connector.util.SizeLimitedUpdateOperation class was used. The SizeLimitedUpdateOperation class within the Boomi Connector SDK sets a maximum document size to process.

com.boomi.connector.api.ConnectorException: [413] max size exceeded
	at com.boomi.connector.generic.DataTracker.toFailure(
	at com.boomi.connector.generic.DataTracker.addResult(
	at com.boomi.connector.generic.DataTracker.addResult(
	at com.boomi.connector.generic.GenericResponse.addResult(
	at com.boomi.connector.util.SizeLimitedUpdateOperation$ObjectDataSizeFilter.accept(
	at com.boomi.connector.util.SizeLimitedUpdateOperation$ObjectDataSizeFilter.accept(

process log error message

Figure 3. 413 Error Message within Test Mode.

The article was originally posted at Boomi Community.

Published Jan 23, 2024

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